Do you remember any memories with your father? Remember when he cheered for you as you approached the plate to bat? Or when you went one-on-one in a basketball game? Maybe he helped you as you were practicing on the piano, or on the guitar?
We all have fathers, whether we grew up with them or not. We have good memories of the good and bad times, some of us have a surplus of either. There are others that don't have memories of their own fathers.
Fathers can affect the way their children live their lives, again because of the good or bad experiences together, or even the lack of it. Since they affect these children who will grow up to be part of the society, ergo fathers have a major effect on society. But what are the responsibilities a father has to take upon caring for his children?
In The Responsibilities of a Father by Jerry, a father's primary role is delight in his children. "A father is someone who has to believe in their children, and be proud of everything that their child does." He continues on saying that a father is not afraid to discipline his children, and still be a good role model.
As Jerry stated in his blog fathers are not afraid to discipline his children. But through some painful experience he should not do so in anger but with love. He must show what the child did wrong; since child is still a child, he must show it in a way that they will remember it, through pain. That's why, for me, prison is just an adult version of 'the corner'.
Continuing my research on the responsibilities of fathers. A good number of the links provided by Google are from Christian blogs. One would be Fatherhood from Focus on the Family by Traci Gray. "Kids learn from watching their fathers' decisions and listening to logical explanations." In summary, children learn from fathers who spend quality time with them.
In my experience, I have learned a lot of things from my dad. From cooking, fixing and drawing to maintainance, music, and exercise. And also making me love math problems. Other people aside from me may have experienced otherwise. Either bad memories fill their mind or no experiences with their dad at all.
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