Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Post 2: Who am I, Daddy?

Ever had those times where you and your dad were discussing something really serious? It may be treating others well, about bullying, or about how different the opposite gender is. Perhaps it may have been about the "birds and the bees."

Children can learn a lot from their fathers, regardless if they are teaching them, spending time together or dads alone watching he big game. They may learn what is right or wrong. Learn to love one another or abhor each other. They may also learn the acceptable and the tolerable.

As Dr. Jeannine Zoppi wrote in her post What About Dad? The Importance of Birth Fathers, "Our fathers have had a profound effect on all of us. Whether they are alive or dead, whether we knew them or not, whether we consider them good fathers or not so good fathers. Our fathers shape us." This is true for all of us; whether he is giving a part of his time with their kids or not. He is shaping us on how we behave.

Children can see,listen, and know about everything their father does; most especially of their father's behavior away from them. This will ultimately affect the child's perception in life and in interpersonal communication and expression. Another way a father may affect their child is the way they see themselves.

In an article that I have encountered during my research, Dr. Warren Throckmorton PhD reacting on Dr. Joseph Nisolosi's findings about homosexuals and their relationships with their father. His blog Fathers, sons and homosexuality counters Dr. Joseph's work with other's testimony.

Dr. Warren quoted a father having a close relationship with his son and yet the son confessed to be a homosexual. My take on that particular experience is that the father may not have shared his stand on homosexuality to his son. But even so, for me a father must be share his definition on what it means to be a man or woman at an early age or they may turn into something they have never taught them to be.

Fathers will and always have a crucial effect on their children, whether they were absent or not. Whether they fathered their child in a good way or not. Fathers have a very crucial role to play in a child's life.

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